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Civil Aircraft
Raceair Flitplane
Raceair Zipster
R&D Aerosports Legal Lite
R.A.F. SE.5a
Ragwing RW-1 Ultra Piet
Ragwing RW-2 Special
Ragwing RW-4 Midwing
Ragwing RW-6 Parasol
Ragwing RW-7 Duster
Ragwing RW-8 PT 2S
Ragwing RW-9 Motor Bipe
Ragwing RW-11 Ragabond
Ragwing RW-16 Aerial
Ragwing RW-19 Stork
Ragwing RW-22 Tiger Moth
Ragwing RW-26 Special 11
Rainbow Cheetah
Raj Hamsa Hanuman
Raj Hamsa X'Air
Raj Hamsa X'Air Gunman
Ramos Colibri 2000
Ranch Air 19USA
Ranch Air Backyard Flyer
Rand Robinson KR-1
Rand Robinson KR-2
Rand Robinson KR-100
Rans S-4/5 Coyote
Rans S-6S Coyote 11
Rans S-6ES Coyote 11
Rans S-7 Courier
Rans S-7C Courier
Rans S-9 Chaos
Rans S-10 Sakota
Rans S-12 Airaile
Rans S-12S Super Airaile
Rans S-16 Shekari
Rans S-17 Stinger
Rans S-18 Stinger 11
Rans S-19
Rare Aircraft Waco CTO Taperwing
Raven 2XS
Raven Explorer 1
Ravin 500
Rawdon T-1
Raytheon Hawker 750/800XP/850XP/900XP
Raytheon Hawker 1000
Raytheon Hawker 4000
Raytheon T-6A Texan 11
R.D. Skycycle
Reality/Just Aircraft Escapade
Reality/Just Aircraft Easy Raider
Reality/Just Aircraft Highlander
Rearwin Speedster 6000M
Rearwin Sportster 7000
Rearwin Cloudster 8135
Rearwin 173 Skyranger
Rebel 2300 Raven
Redfern Fokker DR.1
Redfern Nieuport 17/24
Redfern DH-2
Reese Daisy Mae
Reflex F.W. White Lightning
Reflex F.W. Lightning Bug
Refly Pelican 3
Refly Pelican 4
Regnault JPR-01 Kurun
Reims Aviation F406 Caravan 11
Remos G3 Mirage
Renaissance 8F
Renaissance Berkut
Replica Plans SE5A
Replica Team DAR 1R
Republic P-47D Thunderbolt
Republic RC-3 Seabee
Revolution Mini 500 Bravo
Revolution Voyager 500
RFB RW.3 P.75 Multoplan
Richard 190A Sportplane
Richet Cobra 202
Richter Delta Dart 11
Rihn DR-109
Riley 421BL Turbine Rocket
Ritz Standard A
RLU-1 Breezy
Robbins-Wings R-7
Robertson B1-RD
Robin HR.100-200B Royal
Robin HR.100-210 Safari
Robin HR.100/250TR Tiara
Robin HR.200/120B Club
Robin DR.400/120 Dauphin 2+2
Robin DR.500i President
Robin R.1180TD Aiglon 11
Robin R.2100 Super Club
Robin R.2160 Alpha Sport
Robin R.3000/140
Robin ATL Club
Robinson Redwing 11
Robinson R.22 Beta
Robinson R.44 Astro
Robinson R.44 Raven 11
Rocket Engineering Royal Turbine
Rockwell Commander 112A
Rockwell 500S Shrike Commander
Rockwell Commander 685
Rockwell Commander 690A
Rockwell Commander 700
Rockwell S-2R Thrush Commander 800
Rocky Mountain Ridge Runner 1
Roe Triplane Type 1V Replica
Roesgen EPR.301
Rolandas Kaliauskas RK-1
Rollason Beta
Rollason (Druine) D.31 Turbulent
Rollason (Druine) D.62B Condor
Ron Sands Fokker DR-1 Triplane
Rose Parakeet A-1
Rotary Air Force RAF2000STD
Rotary Flight RF-170
Rotec Panther
Rotec Rally 2B
Rotor Flight Dominator
Rotorlite (Innovator) Mosquito
Rotorway Exec 162F
Rotorway Scorpion 133
Routledge HMR
Rowley P-40F
Ruschmeyer R.90-230RG
Rutan Defiant
Rutan Longeze
Rutan Solitaire
Rutan Varieze
Rutan Variviggen
Ryan M-1
Ryan Navion B
Ryan NYP Replica
Ryan PT-22 Recruit
Ryan S-CW-145
Ryan S-TA (PT-16)
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